Benoit Mandelbrot did some interesting work with fractional geometry. He showed how fractals can occur in mathematics and in nature. He wrote the book The Fractal Geometry of Nature, published 1982. He did a presentation at MIT I’ll never forget….You can search on “mandelbrot fractals in nature” to see some of the images. It’s a contemporary example of STEM crossing into Art that was interesting to me.

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Nice add. And yes, I should have mentioned that too! Definitly an interesting analysis and results.

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Great post! A huge use case of art in STEM today is writing quality technical documentation that others want to read. I’ll always remember my digital design book in college — the author had such a beautiful writing style that I thoroughly enjoyed the subject and the labs. Software developers spend relatively little time coding but much more trying to understand someone else’s code or system, explaining their own, and communicating with teammates and managers about projects. Good writing skills helps make everyone’s work more enjoyable. We also use a lot of diagrams to communicate — knowing what to show is an important skill.

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