I have tended to approach this similarly more and more over time: my job isn't to draw conclusions for folks, but instead to encourage folks to ask their own questions. AI is such a great use-case for this!

But of course, I don't have answers to the truly big questions. Maybe together, we can all figure them out, one by one. That's why we're here.

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I try to do that approach as well. First pull the rug on the simple tropes and myopic perspectives, then step back and see it differently all with the hope of finding better solutions.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Michael Woudenberg

Right there with you. I'm to the point that when the topic comes up, as it always does, I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath. It is so useful. I love your conclusion:

"And that’s the key that I hope you take away today; that we remain curious, that we stop believing we know the full system, and that we constantly shift our perspectives to ensure we fully account for all the implications.

That’s the foundation of Systems Thinking and it’s also what I believe to be the solution to stemming any apocalyptic ending to AI. There’s so much potential, it’d be a shame to lose our humanity."

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As an Engineer - I only hate the vapid nature of the term "Artificial Intelligence" and all the inherent 'pseudo intellectual sciolism' of consumer opinion about it. That's the most annoying aspect of all Information Technology users - the arrogant ignorance of never reading the 'bleeping' manual - then pretending to know.

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That's exactly my frustration. The tool is great. The people...

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Michael Woudenberg

I don’t have a strong opinion on AI being “friend or foe” at this time, but I am always reminded of a particular quote from the Matrix:

“Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about.”

Good or bad, I think this quote nails it. Once AI begins thinking (truly thinking) for us, it’s no longer our civilization at all.

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That's an interesting point and I could agree with that. But then, we currently let a lot of other humans think for us now. Politicians, ideologies, religions.. is that our civilization because it's all human?

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"The Matrix" is the manufactured, formulaic, Fiction of a glorified comic book (Graphic Novel) and what you're "reminded of" is the problem with regard to popular sciolism about any topic of Logic/Computer Science.

The term 'Artificial Intelligence' is innane Bernaysian marketing language without any origination in Science.

The process and outcome of so-called AI is still just ordinary Computer Applications Development and that is a discipline of Logic, not opinion, imagination, or fiction.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Michael Woudenberg

I'm tending to agree with this assessment. I've loved reading these essays because it really does help me understand humans better but then I just get frustrated at all the noise out there with so little introspection of who we are! It gets exhausting so I feel your frustration.

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Jan 12Liked by Michael Woudenberg

I have unsubscribed as I do not need anyone else to further preach soulkilling AI.

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Well I think then, that you missed the entire point of the article and any other that I've written on this. I'm sorry for that.

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